
Services for Individuals


We all spend a lot of time at work.  Doing our J-O-B. 

Being content and flourishing at work can have a positive impact on all aspects of our life.  It should be a priority.

But it's not.

We flounder on, feeling demotivated and de-energised and often dreading Monday mornings.

Because we don't know how to change it.  So we carry on feeling a bit flat, a bit resentful and a bit trapped.

But there is another way.

Quite simply, we help you to create a career you love.  Whether you're feeling a bit disenchanted about your career and want to get your mojo back or you've got the full-on Sunday Night Blues keeping you awake at night, we have a solution for you.

The D.R.E.A.M. pathway


All our solutions are based on the D.R.E.A.M. pathway which helps you get clear on what career will truly light you up and then supports you to get there.  There are five stages:

Discovery - getting back in touch with who you really are, we strip away all that "career persona" you've built up and get back to the core of YOU;

Recalibrate - with this new information, we create your personal Career Purpose which aligns to your energy, your strengths and your values;

Explore - we then imagine, research and explore all the different career possibilities that are open to you;

Action Plan - now we create clear short, medium and long term career goals that will take you towards the career you aspire to;

Make it Happen - through coaching, training and accountability, we support you to make it happen so that you truly can create a career you love.

Our Solutions

Our solutions to creating a career you love all follow the D.R.E.A.M. pathway and offer you flexibility in how you work with Ali.  You can:

  • take up 121 coaching with in a curated or bespoke programme
  • join our group mastermind community The Flourish Club and share the experience
  • participate in our group coaching events and workshops

Have a look at our solutions below - you can always book a Discovery Call with Ali to find out what solution will suit you best.

121 Coaching


Our 121 coaching programmes are all delivered by Ali and take place virtually (on Zoom) or in person by special arrangement (Chichester / London areas). 

Outlined below are three of our most popular programmes that are delivered over six, three or one session(s). 

We can also create bespoke 121 coaching programmes, tailored to your specific needs and aspirations. 

Just get in touch to discuss any bespoke requirements.  We are here to help you create a career you love, whatever form that takes.

Signature Coaching Programme

Over six fortnightly sessions with exercises in between, Ali will work with you to bring to life your Strengths, Values and Purpose and to align them to your future career vision, exploring and refining your unique career possibilities to ultimately create a plan of action to make it happen.

Find out more

Career MOT Programme

Over three 121 coaching sessions with Ali, we uncover your Energising Strengths and how to use them, your Values and how to live more in alignment with them and your Career Purpose that will guide all your future career decisions and enable you to feel truly fulfilled.

Find out more

Energising Strengths Debrief

A 90 minute strengths debrief session with Ali exploring how to harness your energising strengths, do less of the things that drain your energy and completely circumnavigate your weaknesses.  You will also learn how to reframe activities to maximise the energy you feel every day.

Find out more

The Flourish Club


The Flourish Club is a monthly (or annual) membership subscription - think of it as the health club for your career.  This is what you get inside:

  • Online content including a step-by-step roadmap of the D.R.E.A.M pathway to create a career you love, our online programme for successful job search and recordings of our mindset masterclasses;
  • Weekly live calls including masterclasses, hot seat Q&A, co-working sessions, group coaching and accountability sessions;
  • An online, private community of members offering a rich source of advice, opinion, support and accountability;
  • 10%+ off all group workshops run by Ali outside of the Flourish Club;
  • Ability to book one-off 121 coaching sessions with Ali at a discounted rate;
  • A Strengths Profile assessment every 12 months.

All this and more for £65 per month (£650 annually) - find out more and sign up here.

Other Programmes and Events


"Get Clear on Your Career" - coming Autumn 2023

Transform the way you see your career forever with this online programme supported by weekly group coaching.  In just 7 weeks you will have greater clarity on what career will truly fit YOU and you'll be ready to take action. 

By the end of this programme, you will have:

  • Clarity on what type of careers will bring you energy and motivation every day
  • An intimate understanding of your values and how to align your career to them
  • A career purpose statement and career vision that will serve as a filter for all your future career decisions
  • 1 - 3 clear career possibilities that are aligned to your strengths, values and purpose
  • An action plan to move towards your career vision over the short, medium and long term

Find out more and join the waitlist here


FREE Career Energy Boost Workshop - Coming Soon

Give your career a much-needed energy boost this Autumn by learning all about what energises and motivates you as well as what secretly drains your energy at work.

Your personal Strengths Profile report (which you will complete before the workshop) will reveal your unique blend of energising strengths and this Masterclass will teach you how to harness them to transform your career right now.

You will learn:

  • What activities you should do more of in order to boost your energy
  • What activities you should do less of in order to feel less drained
  • How to use your energising strengths to circumnavigate your weaknesses

Join the waitlist for more information here


"Top of the Pile" CV Workshop - Coming Soon

This comprehensive workshop will enable you to create an impactful CV that combines professionalism and personality in a way that truly sets you apart.

If you think your CV doesn't reflect the "real you" and comes across as a bit dry and boring, then this one-of-a-kind workshop is for you.  I will show you how to present your unique strengths, skills and knowledge in a way that will maximise your impact as an ideal candidate.

Do you want a CV that:

  • Grabs attention in 8 seconds (essential to not ending up on the "no" pile
  • Feels authentic and also evidences your ability to perform
  • Uses compelling language and avoids clichés
  • Can be easily tailored to different opportunities whilst still selling you as the ideal candidate?

Then this workshop is for you. find out more and join the waitlist here.