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How to Manage Your Career Before It Mismanages You
We spend such a high percentage of our time at work and yet we rarely take responsibility for proactively managing it. Stop waiting and fumbling about. Take back control today.
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How to Succeed with Habits
What I learned during a 21 day habits challenge
The Six Words That Could Change Your Life Forever
Do magic words really exist? Well I think so and here are 6 that really could change your life forever…
Finding Stability in Times of Change
Ways you can find stability, or support those around you, in times of change, however those changes have manifested.
How to finish your career on a high
The things to think about when planning out how to finish the last 15 – 20 years of you career.
Dealing with Change in Life and Work
A few ways you can deal with change in life and work and ensure you do not feel anxious or stressed.
What before how
Before you start to consider how to change jobs make sure you are clear on what you are moving towards.
How 'quietly quitting' can improve your mental health
The popular definition of quiet quitting is another way of saying setting boundaries, but quiet quitting is far more than that.
What's really holding you back?
Limiting beliefs potentially hold us back from doing great things. Where they come from and how can we work with or around them.
Your wyrd and why you're weird
Getting familiar with what makes you completely unique can open up infinite possibilities
What's it REALLY like to start a new job?
The good, the bad and the ugly of starting a new job
Have you ticked off ALL the things but you're still not feeling it?
Identify some of your energising strengths so that you can reconnect with what you're good at but also what you actually ENJOY
What will your next chapter be?
Thinking about your life in chapters is a freeing concept.
3 signs that it's time for a career change
Life is too short for just one career, here are 3 signs that it’s time to change your career today!
What do a coach and a truck driver have in common?
Would you believe me if I told you that a breakdown truck driver has the same strengths and values as a coach? Well, it's true. Let me introduce you to Steve.
Fulfilling your childhood dream
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Why it is never too late to pursue that childhood dream...
Je ne regrette rien
Regret can be a powerful, and helpful tool.
Lessons from your past
What have made the highs so amazing and, equally, what made the lows so horrible?
Introducing your three selves
Our three selves and how they affect our career decisions and motivations.
What, How and Why
The main reason that we find articulating WHY so difficult is that we get side-tracked by the what and the how.
The Art and Science of Map Reading
Choose your career route and your final destination.
Are you up to the challenge? Or do you need a bit more TLC?
How can we give OURSELVES the appropriate amount of challenge and support?
Create a Career You Love - Take a break!
Join me in adding a bit more rest into your working life?
Are you in pursuit of perfect? (btw, I'm not!)
What exactly is perfectionism and what can it mean for in relation to career change?
How to create a career you love; the big picture
Get clear on what sort of work will energise and motivate you and create a career you love.
How to avoid making a career mistake (or beware the frying pan and the fire...)
Avoid making a mistake when changing job.
The 5 reasons you can't afford to make a career change... and why you're wrong
So, can you afford to make a career change? Here are FIVE reasons why you are probably wrong.
Dealing with rejection
How to deal with rejection and move forward.
Karma Chameleon
We change colour to suit our environment and preferences but, like the chameleon, we are still the same person (or lizard!) at the end of the day.
How to apply for a job OR how I’ve been taking my own medicine
Things to consider next time you apply for a job that you’re really interested in
Knowledge, Skills and Strengths: What's the difference?
Who you are and what you can do? This is your time to shine. There’s no room for modesty.
What's stopping you from making the change?
Two areas that could be at play and stopping you make the change you want.
The kaleidoscope of YOU
You are a kaleidoscope; in any given moment the pattern can change; a different pattern each time.
Help me to help you
Help me to inspire you to explore beyond you boundaries so that we can all live our best lives.
Living and working in line with your values
Know what your values and boundaries are and how to express them.
Getting back to YOU
Sometimes we get out of balance. Who you are at your core?
Career wisdom (or what I learned from my Dad...)
My Dad was pretty smart and he knew me well. Here's what I learned from him about Strengths and Skills.
'Cause there ain't no cure for the "Sunday Night" Blues...
The key to curing the Sunday Night Blues is to first diagnose it.
Let me give you some feedback...
Would you like to get better at receiving feedback. Here's a few tips...
You've changed! But has your career...?
Is your career based on the person you are now... or the person you used to be?
All good intentions
So what are your intentions for this year? I've created a few reflective questions that will help you to get some clarity on this.
Create a Career You Love - Round-up of 2021
Ali's round up of 2021
Have a good stretch
Why you should get out of your comfort zone and into your stretch zone when setting your 2022 goals.
What you need to do NOW in order to have a restful festive break
A goal setting 101 to get you all set to achieve your goals in 2022.
The Best Laid Plans or How to Overcome Your Weaknesses
Why we should never focus on our weaknesses, just overcome them and move on.
Career revelations on the hard shoulder
Exploring my revelation that the same strengths can be fulfilled by a huge variety of careers.
Enabling YOU to shine!
Understanding the link between motivation and doing something you are good at.
How to blow your own trumpet
Highlighting the importance of 'blowing your own trumpet' in the search for a career you love.
Do you feel the need to Achieve?
Reviewing what Achievement means for you and some tips for reconnecting with your own sense of Achievement.
Does Your Career Need a Workout?
Reviewing your career fitness, is it where it could/should be?
Holding Out for a Hero
Learning lessons from those people who have inspired us along our career journeys.
A/W 21: Are You Ready for The New Season?
Planning tips and ideas for Autumn and Winter to make sure that Spring is as bright and colourful as possible.
Want to Meet My Career Crush?
Why speaking to someone that actually has your dream job can be even more informative than you expected.
Making it Happen - and why it's not as easy as all that!
What stops us from 'Making it Happen' and how to overcome these barriers.
Reclaim your energy
Understanding our strengths and how they change over time in order to make the most out of them.
In search of harmony
An anecdote of my search for work-life harmony and some learning on how to achieve it in the future.
Make your DREAM a reality
Understanding the "M" of the DREAM pathway and find out how to "Make It Happen".
Get Clear on Your Dream Career
Introducing you to the "A" (Articulate) of the DREAM pathway.
Turn detective and create a career you love
Understanding the R (Research) and E (Explore) of the D.R.E.A.M Pathway.
Who am I anyway?
Understanding the D of the DREAM Process - Discovering who you really are.
Ready to build your DREAM career?
An overview of the DREAM process and what it actually means.
Lessons from the Cowardly Lion
Say hello to your future self
Understanding the connection to your future self and how this can impact your long term success and fulfilment.
Happiness & Joy
Understanding what makes us happy and what we can do to improve our happiness.
Are you getting enough rest?
There is more to rest than sleep. Some ideas as to how we can rest and restore ourselves.
Physician Heal Thyself
The art of procrastination and how to overcome it.
Fulfilling a Childhood Dream
Proof that it is never too late to fulfil your childhood dreams.
In support of Radiators
Identifying our Radiators and Drains and how to maximise the energy we get from the people we are surrounded by.
What to do when you don't know what to do
How to figure out what career opportunities really would fit.
Stop Working So Hard
A review of why we all work so hard and some ideas of how to start changing that fact!
The Joy of Coaching or Why I love my career
Sharing why I love what I do.
Leaping out of bed
Reviewing the impact of focusing on my strengths for the last 12 months.
Lights, Camera, Action…
The benefits and downsides to having 'Action' as a strength.
Authenticity at work Part II
Linking authenticity to our behaviours.
Authenticity at work
What being authentic at work actually means.
The best laid plans...
A review of my time off and focusing on how important deliberate rest is for us.
Time for quarterly planning
Top tips on how to plan for a successful year.
What is your impact?
Understanding the importance of intent vs impact and how our values drive our behaviours.
Do you want to think outside of the box?
Get out of your box and go for a walk! How walking can help you get out of your box, the benefits and the science.
What impact do you want to have?
Why a micro impact really matters.
Getting sucked into the daily grind
How to make sure you stay on track to ensuring you have and stay in a career you love instead of getting sucked back into the daily grind.
Are you tired of change?
Accepting the huge changes of 2020 and looking at what changes we can control for our futures.
A question of skills
Linking transferrable skills to your strengths and utilising them moving forwards.
Five Ways to Overcome Your Weaknesses
How to stop your weaknesses from getting in the way of your success.
Befriending your Imposter
Understanding Imposter Syndrome and how to harness it for your own benefit.
Do you need help?
A review of why we find it so hard to ask for help and what to do about it.
Oops! Have you ever made a career mistake?
Why and how career mistakes actually help you to create a career you love.
The Importance of Consistency
Consistency is key to achieving your goals. Includes 5 top tips on how to ensure you are consistent.
Finding Fulfilment
How to find and live your dharma.
Start the year strong
Kicking off the year with a Strengths review.
End the Year Strong... and End the Year Well
Action plan to end 2020 well.
A Career Conversation with Alya Chaudhry
From Permanent Employment to Interim Contracting.
Have you met the Career Fairy?
A reminder of what YOU need to do in order to find a career you love.
Why digging deep can be uncomfortable but...worth it!
Focusing on Brené Brown's Values assessment and what understanding mine has done for me.
A Career Conversation with Karen Murray
A squiggly career story with Karen Murray, business coach.
Can You Afford a Career Change?
A review of whether or not you really can afford to change your career and create a career you love.
Working with Strengths: a Question of Legacy
Utilising my Unrealised Strengths - focusing on Legacy.
What have I learnt this month?
Sharing with you what I have learnt this month from my coaching programme “Dare to Lead” for coaches’ and some top tips from Brené Brown.
Are You Ready for a Radical Sabbatical?
How test-driving your career possibilities can reduce your fear of the unknown.
A Career Conversation with Roderic Yapp
Rod's inspiring story of transitioning from the Royal Marines to corporate life and then on to become a business owner.
Help - which career path should I take?
Focusing on the 'R' (refine) in the DREAM process of how to create a career you love.
How I Created a Career I Love
My story - how I got to where I am today and created the career I love.
Feel the Fear
A review of the classic Susan Jeffers book "Feel the fear and do it anyway".
Breaking free from your box
Challenging our assumptions about our career choices.
When you are grateful...
A review of what gratitude is, what the benefits are and how and why we stand to gain from actively practising it more in our daily lives.
Future-proofing You and Your Career
Discussing the impact of increased life expectancy and artificial intelligence on our future careers.
Where did you learn to behave like that?
Analysing our learned behaviours and questioning whether they really help us today.
What is stopping you from making the change?
Some insight into what might be holding you back from creating a career you love.
Find Your Why
What makes you leap out of bed in the morning? Let’s figure it out together.
Improve Your Relationships
Using transactional analysis to understand how to improve your relationships.
How to improve a difficult relationship?
The value of understanding difficult relationships and therefore how to improve them.
Who are you when you’re not at work?
Figuring out who you are in order to find a career where you can be you, and therefore a career that you love.
Positive Psychology and your Career
How can the insights of this heavily researched area of psychology support you to create a career you love
In Support of Authenticity
Does your work environment let you be you? Some tips on how to make sure it does.
Proactive Networking For Career Success
How networking adds value to your career and some top tips on how to make it work for you.
In Support of Optimism
Is your glass half empty or half full? Some tips on becoming more optimistic
Take Back Control
Take a step back and look at what you can control about any given situation. It might just release you to take action.
Don't Fall Foul of a Career Red Herring
Career Red Herrings can divert you from finding the true path to creating a career you love. Find out how to avoid them.
Top Tips to Create a Winning CV
Here's how to create a CV that grabs attention and gets to the top of the pile.
Adopt a Growth Mindset in Times of Change
Whilst we're in lockdown for Covid-19, it's easy to NOT do thing because there seems to be no point (read "look for a new job"). However, adopting a Growth Mindset will help you get ahead of the competition.
My 3 Top Tips for Motivation & Productivity
Over the years, I have tried and tested a plethora of motivation and productivity "hacks". Here are the top three that work for me.
Get Closer to Your Dream
If your dream job is unattainable, use it to find out what you need more or less of.
Your Dream Job - Make it a Reality
Don't let your dream job be just a far off fantasy. Bring it closer to reality today.
Understanding Your Emotions in Times of Transition
A look at the Kubler Ross Change Curve and how it can help you understand your emotions in times of transition.
The Power of Habits to Cope in Times of Change
How replacing bad habits with good habits can help us to cope with change.
Overcoming Barriers to Motivation
Examining imposter syndrome, perfectionism and procrastination as barriers to create a career you love.
Purpose and the Japanese Secret of Ikigai
Learn about this simple model to help you find purpose in your life and career.
Get motivated to create a career you love
How to find motivation in your career and other walks of life!
It's Never Too Late to Nurture Your Career Network
Follow our simple steps to start nurturing your career network today.
Create a Career You Love: Align it with your Values
Is your career aligned to your personal values? Learn why this alignment will enable you to thrive in your career or, if not there, could derail it.
Create a Career You Love: Use Your Strengths Every Day
Use your strengths every day and be happier and more confident with higher levels of self-esteem, energy and vitality.
Time for a Career Change? How to tell if you're ready
Are you suffering from the Sunday night blues? If so, how do you make sure you don't jump from the frying pan into the fire?
Square Peg in a Round Hole? What to do if You’re in The Wrong Job
There are many reasons that we end up in the wrong job.
Redundancy - a Catalyst For Positive Change?
Drive Your Career With Purpose by Doing These 3 Things
You may be struggling to get out of bed on a Monday morning. Or you may be finding it impossible to muster any motivation for your job. In which case it might be time to do some work on clarifying what’s important to you and why.